Akasha Heather Tregaskes 9781456579937 Books
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Akasha Heather Tregaskes 9781456579937 Books
Wow! I loved this magical world, loved the characters, loved the story. The only thing keeping me from giving it 5 stars is it needs an editor to polish up some grammar and flow issues, and fix some holes. But the story was so engaging that it was pretty easy to skim over those bumpy spots and just enjoy the ride. I want to read more about these people: a whole suite of stories about the different council members would be great!Tags : Akasha [Heather Tregaskes] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In 1880, superstitions in Nichole’s small New England town are more like excerpts from the bible than cautionary tales. So,Heather Tregaskes,Akasha,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1456579932,Romance - Paranormal,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Paranormal General,Romance,Romance - Paranormal - General,FICTION Romance Paranormal
Akasha Heather Tregaskes 9781456579937 Books Reviews
I enjoyed this book from the first page to the last.
The characters were well developed and endearing.
The only bad thing about this book is that it ended!
I do hope the story of these characters continues in a sequel!
This is a refreshing break from all the Vampire and Angel stories being told. It kept me interested and wanting more of these characters at the end.
I haven't had time to read a book in a long time, but when a friend told me about this book, I knew that I had to make time. How glad I am that I found the time to start and then not be able to put this book down. I've found my love of reading again! The story hooked me after the first few pages. The author's storytelling talent painted vivid images of the tale she told. She is amazing! I'll be waiting for her next book. Great Job!
I picked up this book because it was cheap and written by a relative of one of my friends. I have to admit that my first impression wasn't overly favorable. I have long been told that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I call B.S. on that. I almost always judge a book by its cover... and I'm usually right. To be blunt, the cover for this book is terrible. To me that is a bad start to a novel. I feel that every detail in a piece of literature should contribute to its value - the cover art, the typography (not as applicable for editions), the prologue, etc - they are all a tiny piece of the overall masterpiece. That is why I would normally not even pick up a book with a cover like this. However, I pressed on and tried not to judge. It is her first book and likely the money wasn't there to put toward image rights.
Akasha is essentially what I would classify as a 'paranormal romance' (not a genre I generally delve in to). It takes place in New England during the late 1800s and follows a girl named Nichole, who is orphaned when her mother is killed in a fire and then handed over by the people in her town to a group of gypsies because they believe that she is cursed. The story centers around themes of witchcraft and incorporates a love-triangl-ly side story.
The beginning of the book had a promising start. Although it was clearly written for the young adult age group, the story seems compelling enough to hold my attention and keep me intrigued. There have been a few YA-focused novels that have managed to sell me on their story (although I still hold that they would have been better if written toward adults - ex. Uglies by Scott Westerfield).
About 1/3 of the way into the book, about the time the romance was introduced, I felt that book took a turn for the worse. Now you have to understand, I may not be a mushy girl, but I can enjoy a bit of romantic prose if it is well written and avoids cliche. This part of Akasha may have actually ruined the entire book for me. I felt that beyond the fact that the romantic part of the novel was, for the most part, irrelevant to the overall story, it also felt very trite and contrived. In fact, it felt extremely unromantic to me. I would have prefered that rather than spend so much written word describing the romance between Nichole and Bryshen, that Tregaskes would have benefitted by investing a bit time more time developing complex characters and creating more vivid descriptions of places and events.
In the end I felt that Akasha was certainly not my cup of tea. With that said, however, I am pretty sure that it wasn't written for people like me. A more appropriate audience would be the crowd that enjoys books like Twilight - ones that can forgive a bit of what's lacking in prose for a simple reading experience that appeals to the things youth are interested in. The author shouldn't take that fact as an insult. While I have clearly mentioned my distaste for the Twilight books before, no one can argue that those kind of novels are interesting to teens - the intended audience of Akasha.
I do have some suggestions for the author as well since this is her first book and a worthy attempt in my opinion
1) A small investment in cover art will translate into a huge return.
2) Make your characters more complex. Even when things were hard for Nichole they seems too superficial and easy. Decisions were made to quickly and blindly. It feels very contrived.
I usually stick with authors I know and like but I very glad I got this book. The story is very well written and detailed it's hard to stop reading. It was a great read and recommend it to anyone that likes paranormal stories. I can only hope that the book will have a sequel or maybe even continue into a series.
The author did a great job and drawing you into the story, although at times she seemed to rush the story and I became a little lost. The ending needed to be just a bit more detailed, but I really enjoyed reading it and liked that it was a clean telling of an interesting topic. I would recommend this book and hope that the author does another.
It started off well enough, but I was only able to get about halfway through this story before I lost all interest in what happens to the 2 dimensional characters. The plot bones are decent. I just wish the author was able to keep hold of my attention longer.
Wow! I loved this magical world, loved the characters, loved the story. The only thing keeping me from giving it 5 stars is it needs an editor to polish up some grammar and flow issues, and fix some holes. But the story was so engaging that it was pretty easy to skim over those bumpy spots and just enjoy the ride. I want to read more about these people a whole suite of stories about the different council members would be great!
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